Home > Artworks > Mª Dolores Carreto Anguita

Photo of Mª Dolores Carreto Anguita Spain

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Born in Jan. From its early years feel a great fondness for painting. Classes in drawing at the School of Arts and Crafts. Attending painting classes at People's University in Jan. Participate in a Collective Exhibition in the Caja de Ahorros de Granada. Constable Exhibition at the Hotel Iranzo, in the House of culture and popular university Jan. In the year 89 he moved to live in Seville. Attend classes in painting and...

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Born in Jan. From its early years feel a great fondness for painting. Classes in drawing at the School of Arts and Crafts. Attending painting classes at People's University in Jan. Participate in a Collective Exhibition in the Caja de Ahorros de Granada. Constable Exhibition at the Hotel Iranzo, in the House of culture and popular university Jan. In the year 89 he moved to live in Seville. Attend classes in painting and color in the painting studio of Alfredo Linares. Make monographic courses in the Pavilion of Chile. It gathers a group of friends and set up a studio to share their techniques of painting. On the occasion of the Expo 92, participates in the collective exhibition in painting light, in the House of Murillo. In June 1995 participated in the exhibition of paintings on the banks of the river of Coria. Exhibits at the Circulo Mercantil e Industrial de Sevilla in March 2001. In October 2002 the Centre presented in CVIC The Buhahira. In June 2002 participated in a Collective Exhibition Center CVIC The Buhahira. Participate in December 2002 in a Collective Exhibition in Galera El Mirador. In The Collective Exhibition Buhahira ride the dreams and realities, in December 2002. In 2004, made a collective exhibition in the Hall of Contadero Marques Guadalquivir (Sevilla), called "Spring Equinox" and in the year 2005 has another in the same place. Collective exhibition in Sala Sierpes Commercial Street in Seville. 24 to 30 May 2006. Exhibited a work in the church of the convent of Santa Clara Jan.

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